Public Records Requests

Civil Cases, Criminal Cases, Case Searches, Criminal Records, Marriage Licenses, Divorce Decrees, Jury Duty, Payment of Citations, Official Records (Recorded Documents), Deeds, Liens, Lawsuits, Final Judgements, Satisfaction of Mortgage, etc.

Property Research, Map Searches, Homestead Exemption; Tax Facts, Recent Sales, etc.

Online Forms, Driver Licenses and Registration, Disabled Parking Permits, Pay Taxes Online, etc.

Case Reports, Arrest Reports, Crime Line, Background Checks, Warrants, 911 Dispatch, Criminal/Correctional Facility, Animal Control, etc.

Supervisor of Elections

Voter Education, Voter Registration, Election Results, Statistics, Precinct Maps, etc.

State Attorney's Office

Public Defenders, State Attorney or Prosecutor Assignments, etc.

Records pertaining to the School Board or Purchasing for the School Board.

(321) 633-1000 ext. 11453

Ticket/Citation, Background Check, Camera Footage and requests such as these, please contact each Law Enforcement agency directly. (Ex: Melbourne Police Department)

These entities have their own public records custodians because they are separate legal entities, independent of the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners and its departments. Please utilize the above links to file a request for that respective entity. For all other records requests, please continue below.

Welcome to the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners Public Records Request page.

The Board of County Commissioners maintains public records for its following departments:

In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, the County hereby designates the County Attorney’s Office as the custodian of public records for entities under the jurisdiction of the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners.

Ways to submit a public request:

Your request for public records should include: