Python Practice Problems: Get Ready for Your Next Interview

Python Practice Problems: Prepare for Your Next Interview

Are you a Python developer brushing up on your skills before an interview? If so, then this tutorial will usher you through a series of Python practice problems meant to simulate common coding test scenarios. After you develop your own solutions, you’ll walk through the Real Python team’s answers so you can optimize your code, impress your interviewer, and land your dream job!

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

This tutorial is aimed at intermediate Python developers. It assumes a basic knowledge of Python and an ability to solve problems in Python. You can get skeleton code with failing unit tests for each of the problems you’ll see in this tutorial by clicking on the link below:

Download the sample code: Click here to get the code you’ll use to work through the Python practice problems in this tutorial.

Each of the problems below shows the file header from this skeleton code describing the problem requirements. So download the code, fire up your favorite editor, and let’s dive into some Python practice problems!

Python Practice Problem 1: Sum of a Range of Integers

Let’s start with a warm-up question. In the first practice problem, you’ll write code to sum a list of integers. Each practice problem includes a problem description. This description is pulled directly from the skeleton files in the repo to make it easier to remember while you’re working on your solution.

You’ll see a solution section for each problem as well. Most of the discussion will be in a collapsed section below that. Clone that repo if you haven’t already, work out a solution to the following problem, then expand the solution box to review your work.

Problem Description

Here’s your first problem:

Sum of Integers Up To n ( )

Write a function, add_it_up() , that takes a single integer as input and returns the sum of the integers from zero to the input parameter.

The function should return 0 if a non-integer is passed in.

Remember to run the unit tests until you get them passing!

Problem Solution

Here’s some discussion of a couple of possible solutions.

Note: Remember, don’t open the collapsed section below until you’re ready to look at the answer for this Python practice problem!

Solution for Sum of a Range of Integers Show/Hide

How did writing the solution go? Ready to look at the answer?

For this problem, you’ll look at a few different solutions. The first of these is not so good:

# def first(n): num = 1 sum = 0 while num  n + 1: sum = sum + num num = num + 1 return sum 

In this solution, you manually build a while loop to run through the numbers 1 through n . You keep a running sum and then return it when you’ve finished the loop.

This solution works, but it has two problems:

  1. It doesn’t display your knowledge of Python and how the language simplifies tasks like this.
  2. It doesn’t meet the error conditions in the problem description. Passing in a string will result in the function throwing an exception when it should just return 0 .

You’ll deal with the error conditions in the final answer below, but first let’s refine the core solution to be a bit more Pythonic.

The first thing to think about is that while loop. Python has powerful mechanisms for iterating over lists and ranges. Creating your own is usually unnecessary, and that’s certainly the case here. You can replace the while loop with a loop that iterates over a range() :

# def better(n): sum = 0 for num in range(n + 1): sum += num return sum 

You can see that the for. range() construct has replaced your while loop and shortened the code. One thing to note is that range() goes up to but does not include the number given, so you need to use n + 1 here.

This was a nice step! It removes some of the boilerplate code of looping over a range and makes your intention clearer. But there’s still more you can do here.

Summing a list of integers is another thing Python is good at:

# def even_better(n): return sum(range(n + 1)) 

Wow! By using the built-in sum() , you got this down to one line of code! While code golf generally doesn’t produce the most readable code, in this case you have a win-win: shorter and more readable code.

There’s one problem remaining, however. This code still doesn’t handle the error conditions correctly. To fix that, you can wrap your previous code in a try. except block:

# def add_it_up(n): try: result = sum(range(n + 1)) except TypeError: result = 0 return result 

This solves the problem and handles the error conditions correctly. Way to go!

Occasionally, interviewers will ask this question with a fixed limit, something like “Print the sum of the first nine integers.” When the problem is phrased that way, one correct solution would be print(45) .

If you give this answer, however, then you should follow up with code that solves the problem step by step. The trick answer is a good place to start your answer, but it’s not a great place to end.

If you’d like to extend this problem, try adding an optional lower limit to add_it_up() to give it more flexibility!

Python Practice Problem 2: Caesar Cipher

The next question is a two-parter. You’ll code up a function to compute a Caesar cipher on text input. For this problem, you’re free to use any part of the Python standard library to do the transform.

Hint: There’s a function in the str class that will make this task much easier!

Problem Description

The problem statement is at the top of the skeleton source file:

Caesar Cipher ( )

A Caesar cipher is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter of the plain text is substituted with a letter found by moving n places down the alphabet. For example, assume the input plain text is the following:

abcd xyz 

If the shift value, n , is 4, then the encrypted text would be the following:

efgh bcd 

You are to write a function that accepts two arguments, a plain-text message and a number of letters to shift in the cipher. The function will return an encrypted string with all letters transformed and all punctuation and whitespace remaining unchanged.

Note: You can assume the plain text is all lowercase ASCII except for whitespace and punctuation.

Remember, this part of the question is really about how well you can get around in the standard library. If you find yourself figuring out how to do the transform without the library, then save that thought! You’ll need it later!

Problem Solution

Here’s a solution to the Caesar cipher problem described above.

Note: Remember, don’t open the collapsed section below until you’re ready to look at the answers for this Python practice problem!

Solution for Caesar Cipher Show/Hide

This solution makes use of .translate() from the str class in the standard library. If you struggled with this problem, then you might want to pause a moment and consider how you could use .translate() in your solution.

Okay, now that you’re ready, let’s look at this solution:

 1# 2import string 3 4def caesar(plain_text, shift_num=1): 5 letters = string.ascii_lowercase 6 mask = letters[shift_num:] + letters[:shift_num] 7 trantab = str.maketrans(letters, mask) 8 return plain_text.translate(trantab) 

You can see that the function makes use of three things from the string module:

  1. .ascii_lowercase
  2. .maketrans()
  3. .translate()

In the first two lines, you create a variable with all the lowercase letters of the alphabet (ASCII only for this program) and then create a mask , which is the same set of letters, only shifted. The slicing syntax is not always obvious, so let’s walk through it with a real-world example:

>>> import string >>> x = string.ascii_lowercase >>> x 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' >>> x[3:] 'defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' >>> x[:3] 'abc' 

You can see that x[3:] is all the letters after the third letter, 'c' , while x[:3] is just the first three letters.

Line 6 in the solution, letters[shift_num:] + letters[:shift_num] , creates a list of letters shifted by shift_num letters, with the letters at the end wrapped around to the front. Once you have the list of letters and the mask of letters you want to map to, you call .maketrans() to create a translation table.

Next, you pass the translation table to the string method .translate() . It maps all characters in letters to the corresponding letters in mask and leaves all other characters alone.

This question is an exercise in knowing and using the standard library. You may be asked a question like this at some point during an interview. If that happens to you, it’s good to spend some time thinking about possible answers. If you can remember the method— .translate() in this case—then you’re all set.

But there are a couple of other scenarios to consider:

  1. You may completely draw a blank. In this case, you’ll probably solve this problem the way you solve the next one, and that’s an acceptable answer.
  2. You may remember that the standard library has a function to do what you want but not remember the details.

If you were doing normal work and hit either of these situations, then you’d just do some searching and be on your way. But in an interview situation, it will help your cause to talk through the problem out loud.

Asking the interviewer for specific help is far better than just ignoring it. Try something like “I think there’s a function that maps one set of characters to another. Can you help me remember what it’s called?”

In an interview situation, it’s often better to admit that you don’t know something than to try to bluff your way through.

Now that you’ve seen a solution using the Python standard library, let’s try the same problem again, but without that help!

Python Practice Problem 3: Caesar Cipher Redux

For the third practice problem, you’ll solve the Caesar cipher again, but this time you’ll do it without using .translate() .

Problem Description

The description of this problem is the same as the previous problem. Before you dive into the solution, you might be wondering why you’re repeating the same exercise, just without the help of .translate() .

That’s a great question. In normal life, when your goal is to get a working, maintainable program, rewriting parts of the standard library is a poor choice. The Python standard library is packed with working, well-tested, and fast solutions for problems large and small. Taking full advantage of it is a mark of a good programmer.

That said, this is not a work project or a program you’re building to satisfy a need. This is a learning exercise, and it’s the type of question that might be asked during an interview. The goal for both is to see how you can solve the problem and what interesting design trade-offs you make while doing it.

So, in the spirit of learning, let’s try to resolve the Caesar cipher without .translate() .

Problem Solution

For this problem, you’ll have two different solutions to look at when you’re ready to expand the section below.

Note: Remember, don’t open the collapsed section below until you’re ready to look at the answers for this Python practice problem!

Solutions for Caesar Cipher Redux Show/Hide

For this problem, two different solutions are provided. Check out both and see which one you prefer!

Solution 1

For the first solution, you follow the problem description closely, adding an amount to each character and flipping it back to the beginning of the alphabet when it goes on beyond z :

 1# 2import string 3 4def shift_n(letter, amount): 5 if letter not in string.ascii_lowercase: 6 return letter 7 new_letter = ord(letter) + amount 8 while new_letter > ord("z"): 9 new_letter -= 26 10 while new_letter  ord("a"): 11 new_letter += 26 12 return chr(new_letter) 13 14def caesar(message, amount): 15 enc_list = [shift_n(letter, amount) for letter in message] 16 return "".join(enc_list) 

Starting on line 14, you can see that caesar() does a list comprehension, calling a helper function for each letter in message . It then does a .join() to create the new encoded string. This is short and sweet, and you’ll see a similar structure in the second solution. The interesting part happens in shift_n() .

Here you can see another use for string.ascii_lowercase , this time filtering out any letter that isn’t in that group. Once you’re certain you’ve filtered out any non-letters, you can proceed to encoding. In this version of encoding, you use two functions from the Python standard library:

Again, you’re encouraged not only to learn these functions but also to consider how you might respond in an interview situation if you couldn’t remember their names.

ord() does the work of converting a letter to a number, and chr() converts it back to a letter. This is handy as it allows you to do arithmetic on letters, which is what you want for this problem.

The first step of your encoding on line 7 gets the numeric value of the encoded letter by using ord() to get the numeric value of the original letter. ord() returns the Unicode code point of the character, which turns out to be the ASCII value.

For many letters with small shift values, you can convert the letter back to a character and you’ll be done. But consider the starting letter, z .

A shift of one character should result in the letter a . To achieve this wraparound, you find the difference from the encoded letter to the letter z . If that difference is positive, then you need to wrap back to the beginning.

You do this in lines 8 to 11 by repeatedly adding 26 to or subtracting it from the character until it’s in the range of ASCII characters. Note that this is a fairly inefficient method for fixing this issue. You’ll see a better solution in the next answer.

Finally, on line 12, your conversion shift function takes the numeric value of the new letter and converts it back to a letter to return it.

While this solution takes a literal approach to solving the Caesar cipher problem, you could also use a different approach modeled after the .translate() solution in practice problem 2.

Solution 2

The second solution to this problem mimics the behavior of Python’s built-in method .translate() . Instead of shifting each letter by a given amount, it creates a translation map and uses it to encode each letter:

 1# 2import string 3 4def shift_n(letter, table): 5 try: 6 index = string.ascii_lowercase.index(letter) 7 return table[index] 8 except ValueError: 9 return letter 10 11def caesar(message, amount): 12 amount = amount % 26 13 table = string.ascii_lowercase[amount:] + string.ascii_lowercase[:amount] 14 enc_list = [shift_n(letter, table) for letter in message] 15 return "".join(enc_list) 

Starting with caesar() on line 11, you start by fixing the problem of amount being greater than 26 . In the previous solution, you looped repeatedly until the result was in the proper range. Here, you take a more direct and more efficient approach using the mod operator ( % ).

The mod operator produces the remainder from an integer division. In this case, you divide by 26 , which means the results are guaranteed to be between 0 and 25 , inclusive.

Next, you create the translation table. This is a change from the previous solutions and is worth some attention. You’ll see more about this toward the end of this section.

Once you create the table , the rest of caesar() is identical to the previous solution: a list comprehension to encrypt each letter and a .join() to create a string.

shift_n() finds the index of the given letter in the alphabet and then uses this to pull a letter from the table . The try. except block catches those cases that aren’t found in the list of lowercase letters.

Now let’s discuss the table creation issue. For this toy example, it probably doesn’t matter too much, but it illustrates a situation that occurs frequently in everyday development: balancing clarity of code against known performance bottlenecks.

If you examine the code again, you’ll see that table is used only inside shift_n() . This indicates that, in normal circumstances, it should have been created in, and thus have its scope limited to, shift_n() :

# import string def slow_shift_n(letter, amount): table = string.ascii_lowercase[amount:] + string.ascii_lowercase[:amount] try: index = string.ascii_lowercase.index(letter) return table[index] except ValueError: return letter def slow_caesar(message, amount): amount = amount % 26 enc_list = [shift_n(letter, amount) for letter in message] return "".join(enc_list) 

The issue with that approach is that it spends time calculating the same table for every letter of the message. For small messages, this time will be negligible, but it might add up for larger messages.

Another possible way that you could avoid this performance penalty would be to make table a global variable. While this also cuts down on the construction penalty, it makes the scope of table even larger. This doesn’t seem better than the approach shown above.

At the end of the day, the choice between creating table once up front and giving it a larger scope or just creating it for every letter is what’s called a design decision. You need to choose the design based on what you know about the actual problem you’re trying to solve.

If this is a small project and you know it will be used to encode large messages, then creating the table only once could be the right decision. If this is only a portion of a larger project, meaning maintainability is key, then perhaps creating the table each time is the better option.

Since you’ve looked at two solutions, it’s worth taking a moment to discuss their similarities and differences.

Solution Comparison

You’ve seen two solutions in this part of the Caesar cipher, and they’re fairly similar in many ways. They’re about the same number of lines. The two main routines are identical except for limiting amount and creating table . It’s only when you look at the two versions of the helper function, shift_n() , that the differences appear.

The first shift_n() is an almost literal translation of what the problem is asking for: “Shift the letter down the alphabet and wrap it around at z .” This clearly maps back to the problem statement, but it has a few drawbacks.

Although it’s about the same length as the second version, the first version of shift_n() is more complex. This complexity comes from the letter conversion and math needed to do the translation. The details involved—converting to numbers, subtracting, and wrapping—mask the operation you’re performing. The second shift_n() is far less involved in its details.

The first version of the function is also specific to solving this particular problem. The second version of shift_n() , like the standard library’s .translate() that it’s modeled after, is more general-purpose and can be used to solve a larger set of problems. Note that this is not necessarily a good design goal.

One of the mantras that came out of the Extreme Programming movement is “You aren’t gonna need it” (YAGNI). Frequently, software developers will look at a function like shift_n() and decide that it would be better and more general-purpose if they made it even more flexible, perhaps by passing in a parameter instead of using string.ascii_lowercase .

While that would indeed make the function more general-purpose, it would also make it more complex. The YAGNI mantra is there to remind you not to add complexity before you have a specific use case for it.

To wrap up your Caesar cipher section, there are clear trade-offs between the two solutions, but the second shift_n() seems like a slightly better and more Pythonic function.

Now that you’ve written the Caesar cipher three different ways, let’s move on to a new problem.

Python Practice Problem 4: Log Parser

The log parser problem is one that occurs frequently in software development. Many systems produce log files during normal operation, and sometimes you’ll need to parse these files to find anomalies or general information about the running system.

Problem Description

For this problem, you’ll need to parse a log file with a specified format and generate a report:

Log Parser ( )

Accepts a filename on the command line. The file is a Linux-like log file from a system you are debugging. Mixed in among the various statements are messages indicating the state of the device. They look like this:

Jul 11 16:11:51:490 [139681125603136] dut: Device State: ON 

The device state message has many possible values, but this program cares about only three: ON , OFF , and ERR .

Your program will parse the given log file and print out a report giving how long the device was ON and the timestamp of any ERR conditions.

Note that the provided skeleton code doesn’t include unit tests. This was omitted since the exact format of the report is up to you. Think about and write your own during the process.

A test.log file is included, which provides you with an example. The solution you’ll examine produces the following output:

$ ./ test.log Device was on for 7 seconds Timestamps of error events: Jul 11 16:11:54:661 Jul 11 16:11:56:067 

While that format is generated by the Real Python solution, you’re free to design your own format for the output. The sample input file should generate equivalent information.

Problem Solution

In the collapsed section below, you’ll find a possible solution to the log parser problem. When you’re ready, expand the box and compare it with what you came up with!

Note: Remember, don’t open the collapsed section below until you’re ready to look at the answers for this Python practice problem!

Solution for Log Parser Problem Show/Hide

Full Solution

Since this solution is longer than what you saw for the integer sums or the Caesar cipher problems, let’s start with the full program:

# import datetime import sys def get_next_event(filename): with open(filename, "r") as datafile: for line in datafile: if "dut: Device State: " in line: line = line.strip() # Parse out the action and timestamp action = line.split()[-1] timestamp = line[:19] yield (action, timestamp) def compute_time_diff_seconds(start, end): format = "%b %d %H:%M:%S:%f" start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, format) end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, format) return (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() def extract_data(filename): time_on_started = None errs = [] total_time_on = 0 for action, timestamp in get_next_event(filename): # First test for errs if "ERR" == action: errs.append(timestamp) elif ("ON" == action) and (not time_on_started): time_on_started = timestamp elif ("OFF" == action) and time_on_started: time_on = compute_time_diff_seconds(time_on_started, timestamp) total_time_on += time_on time_on_started = None return total_time_on, errs if __name__ == "__main__": total_time_on, errs = extract_data(sys.argv[1]) print(f"Device was on for total_time_on> seconds") if errs: print("Timestamps of error events:") for err in errs: print(f"\terr>") else: print("No error events found.") 

That’s your full solution. You can see that the program consists of three functions and the main section. You’ll work through them from the top.

Helper Function: get_next_event()

First up is get_next_event() :

# def get_next_event(filename): with open(filename, "r") as datafile: for line in datafile: if "dut: Device State: " in line: line = line.strip() # Parse out the action and timestamp action = line.split()[-1] timestamp = line[:19] yield (action, timestamp) 

Because it contains a yield statement, this function is a generator. That means you can use it to generate one event from the log file at a time.

You could have just used for line in datafile , but instead you add a little bit of filtering. The calling routine will get only those events that have dut: Device State: in them. This keeps all the file-specific parsing contained in a single function.

This might make get_next_event() a bit more complicated, but it’s a relatively small function, so it remains short enough to read and comprehend. It also keeps that complicated code encapsulated in a single location.

You might be wondering when datafile gets closed. As long as you call the generator until all of the lines are read from datafile , the for loop will complete, allowing you to leave the with block and exit from the function.

Helper Function: compute_time_diff_seconds()

The second function is compute_time_diff_seconds() , which, as the name suggests, computes the number of seconds between two timestamps:

# def compute_time_diff_seconds(start, end): format = "%b %d %H:%M:%S:%f" start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, format) end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, format) return (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() 

There are a few interesting points to this function. The first is that subtracting the two datetime objects results in a datetime.timedelta . For this problem, you will report total seconds, so returning .total_seconds() from the timedelta is appropriate.

The second item of note is that there are many, many packages in Python that simplify handling dates and times. In this case, your use model is simple enough that it doesn’t warrant the complexity of pulling in an external library when the standard library functions will suffice.

That said, datetime.datetime.strptime() is worthy of mention. When passed a string and a specific format, .strptime() parses that string with the given format and produces a datetime object.

This is another place where, in an interview situation, it’s important not to panic if you can’t remember the exact names of the Python standard library functions.

Helper Function: extract_data()

Next up is extract_data() , which does the bulk of the work in this program. Before you dive into the code, let’s step back and talk about state machines.

State machines are software (or hardware) devices that transition from one state to another depending on specific inputs. That’s a really broad definition that might be difficult to grasp, so let’s look at a diagram of the state machine you’ll be using below:

State machine with two states: ON and OFF with transitions between the states.

In this diagram, the states are represented by the labeled boxes. There are only two states here, ON and OFF , which correspond to the state of the device. There are also two input signals, Device State: ON and Device State: OFF . The diagram uses arrows to show what happens when an input occurs while the machine is in each state.

For example, if the machine is in the ON state and the Device State: ON input occurs, then the machine stays in the ON state. No change happens. Conversely, if the machine receives the Device State: OFF input when it’s in the ON state, then it will transition to the OFF state.

While the state machine here is only two states with two inputs, state machines are often much more complex. Creating a diagram of expected behavior can help you make the code that implements the state machine more concise.

Let’s move back to extract_data() :

# def extract_data(filename): time_on_started = None errs = [] total_time_on = 0 for action, timestamp in get_next_event(filename): # First test for errs if "ERR" == action: errs.append(timestamp) elif ("ON" == action) and (not time_on_started): time_on_started = timestamp elif ("OFF" == action) and time_on_started: time_on = compute_time_diff_seconds(time_on_started, timestamp) total_time_on += time_on time_on_started = None return total_time_on, errs 

It might be hard to see the state machine here. Usually, state machines require a variable to hold the state. In this case, you use time_on_started to serve two purposes:

  1. Indicate state: time_on_started holds the state of your state machine. If it’s None , then the machine is in the OFF state. If it’s not None , then the machine is ON .
  2. Store start time: If the state is ON , then time_on_started also holds the timestamp of when the device turned on. You use this timestamp to call compute_time_diff_seconds() .

The top of extract_data() sets up your state variable, time_on_started , and also the two outputs you want. errs is a list of timestamps at which the ERR message was found, and total_time_on is the sum of all periods when the device was on.

Once you’ve completed the initial setup, you call the get_next_event() generator to retrieve each event and timestamp. The action it receives is used to drive the state machine, but before it checks for state changes, it first uses an if block to filter out any ERR conditions and add those to errs .

After the error check, the first elif block handles transitions to the ON state. You can transition to ON only when you’re in the OFF state, which is signaled by time_on_started being False . If you’re not already in the ON state and the action is "ON" , then you store the timestamp , putting the machine into the ON state.

The second elif handles the transition to the OFF state. On this transition, extract_data() needs to compute the number of seconds the device was on. It does this using the compute_time_diff_seconds() you saw above. It adds this time to the running total_time_on and sets time_on_started back to None , effectively putting the machine back into the OFF state.

Main Function

Finally, you can move on to the __main__ section. This final section passes sys.argv[1] , which is the first command-line argument, to extract_data() and then presents a report of the results:

# if __name__ == "__main__": total_time_on, errs = extract_data(sys.argv[1]) print(f"Device was on for total_time_on> seconds") if errs: print("Timestamps of error events:") for err in errs: print(f"\terr>") else: print("No error events found.") 

To call this solution, you run the script and pass the name of the log file. Running your example code results in this output:

$ python3 test.log Device was on for 7 seconds Timestamps of error events: Jul 11 16:11:54:661 Jul 11 16:11:56:067 

Your solution might have different formatting, but the information should be the same for the sample log file.

There are many ways to solve a problem like this. Remember that in an interview situation, talking through the problem and your thought process can be more important than which solution you choose to implement.

That’s it for the log-parsing solution. Let’s move on to the final challenge: sudoku!

Python Practice Problem 5: Sudoku Solver

Your final Python practice problem is to solve a sudoku puzzle!

Finding a fast and memory-efficient solution to this problem can be quite a challenge. The solution you’ll examine has been selected for readability rather than speed, but you’re free to optimize your solution as much as you want.

Problem Description

The description for the sudoku solver is a little more involved than the previous problems:

Sudoku Solver ( )

Given a string in SDM format, described below, write a program to find and return the solution for the sudoku puzzle in the string. The solution should be returned in the same SDM format as the input.

Some puzzles will not be solvable. In that case, return the string “Unsolvable”.

The general SDM format is described here.

For our purposes, each SDM string will be a sequence of 81 digits, one for each position on the sudoku puzzle. Known numbers will be given, and unknown positions will have a zero value.

For example, assume you’re given this string of digits:


The string represents this starting sudoku puzzle:

0 0 4 0 0 6 0 7 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 5 6 0 9 2 3 0 0 0 7 8 0 6 1 0 3 0 5 0 9 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 2 0 5 4 0 8 9 0 0 0 7 4 1 0 9 2 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 4 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 

The provided unit tests may take a while to run, so be patient.

Note: A description of the sudoku puzzle can be found on Wikipedia.

You can see that you’ll need to deal with reading and writing to a particular format as well as generating a solution.

Problem Solution

When you’re ready, you can find a detailed explanation of a solution to the sudoku problem in the box below. A skeleton file with unit tests is provided in the repo.

Note: Remember, don’t open the collapsed section below until you’re ready to look at the answers for this Python practice problem!

Solution for Sudoku Solver Show/Hide

This is a larger and more complex problem than you’ve looked at so far in this tutorial. You’ll walk through the problem step by step, ending with a recursive function that solves the puzzle. Here’s a rough outline of the steps you’ll take: