LDV Truck Manuals & Wiring Diagram PDF


There're some LDV Truck Manuals & Wiring Diagram PDF above the page - Maxus, 200, 300, 400, Pilot, Convoy.

The British company LDV Group, makes commercial light commercial vehicles belonging to the family Maxus. Owns the firm Eco Concept.

Is headquartered in Birmingham. In the company name abbreviation stands as follows - Leyland-DAF Vans.

History of the company dates back to the concern British Leyland, which is now no longer exists.

Based on his unit Freight Rover, in 1987 the company was formed LDV. Together with the Korean company Daewoo, at the end of the 90s of the last century,

LDV has developed a family of Maxus. It was planned to organize its release in South Korea, but the plans are not allowed to complete the bankruptcy Korean partner.

Production of Maxus LDV company itself launches in Birmingham at its plant in 2005. The company's products are bought mainly army,

Royal Mail and other commercial structures. But power company fully designed for production of 15 thousand per year. Cars were loaded.

LDV Maxus is a family razvoznyh front-wheel light vehicles category LCV2, having a total weight of 2.8-3.5 m. And producing English band from Birmingham LDV Group Limited (Leyland - DAF Vans).

Offers a family of Maxus in three categories - 2.8; 3.2 and 3.5 m in the extended-wheelbase versions (3.85 m) and short wheelbase (3.1 m).

Carrying capacity is in the range of 917 - 1616 kg. The cargo compartment has a maximum inner length - 3.36 m, internal height 1.93 m, inner width -1.77 m.

Also available with a 206 year Maxus chassis and trucks with separate six- and triple cab, body type van belonging box and airborne platforms.

Equipped with a cargo bay anti-slip material and is equipped with reinforced hinges body.

The distance between the rear arches of 1.39 m allows loading pallets. The rear door has two doors, swing open 100 °.

In the family of Maxus, in addition to the basic version includes a special version, including an ambulance and a refrigerated van.

Triple cabin was equipped in accordance with current requirements regarding ergonomics.

Audio system with CD-player and air conditioning included in the list of basic equipment.

Equipped with a braking system EBD and ABS manufactured by Bosch .