FAQ - Release Time Frames

With the final eManifest implementation (eHousebill Change Request) tentatively scheduled for late 2020, importers and brokers will be directly impacted by system changes affecting release. The CBSA will be moving to a cargo-based arrival processing model which will alter the timeframes for release of commercial goods. With these system changes, shipments will be eligible for release only after all related cargo documents attain “arrived” status.

  1. How does “cargo-centric arrival” processing work and how does cargo attain “arrived” status?
  2. When can we expect the eManifest changes and the new time frames for release to be implemented?
  3. What other changes are planned for the eManifest implementation?
  4. Will the new time frames change when I can submit Pre-Arrival Review System (PARS)?
  5. Will the new time frames impact when I can submit Release on Minimum Documentation (RMD)?
  6. If I submit an IID, which release time frames are in effect - the proposed new ones or the ones currently listed in D17-1-4?
  7. What will happen if the warehouse I use does not have the capability to transmit Warehouse Arrival Certification Messages (WACM)?
  8. Will I need to make systems changes to prepare for the new time frames for release?
  9. Will I continue to receive Release Notification System (RNS) messages?
  10. What is the Reported Notice, and how do I make sure I receive it?
  11. What is a mismatch, and how do I correct it?